Maintain free-range chicken (village)? confused love eating let siayam cepet ndut? In principle kinds of nutrients that are needed together with free-range chicken broiler is required:
a. Protein
b. Vitamin
c. Energy (carbs and fat)
d. Minerals and
e. Water.
the amount of nutrients needed by both types of chickens are probably different. The results showed that the nutrient requirements for domestic poultry is lower compared with the needs of broilers. Therefore the use of 100% commercial broiler ration for free-range chicken is a waste because of growth and egg production is still far below the growth and egg production. This is due to the limited ability of genetically-range chicken. Many
factors that affect nutritional needs, including:
a. Type of livestock
b. Age poultry
c. Environment, especially weather
d. The production level
3 types of feed for chicken:
1. vegetable food
2. animal feed
3 supplements.
Vegetable feedstuffs is feed ingredients derived from plants. This plant-based feedstuffs generally had high crude fiber, such as bran and leaves are like eaten by free-range chicken. Besides, many plant-based feed ingredients that have a high protein content
such as coconut cake. soybean meal and feed ingredients from nuts. And of course the rich energy crops such as corn.
Fine bran
Bran as a rice mill waste is widely available in Indonesia because Indonesia is a rice producing countries. At harvest time, bran easily available and cheap price. Bran as livestock feed ingredient widely used, can be used as feed material and various types of livestock.
Fine bran distinguished between fine bran and bran smooth factory village. Village fine bran contains more crude fiber than refined rice bran plant and protein content is only 10.1%, while the factory fine bran contains 13.6% protein. While the high fat content, about 13%, crude fiber as well as approximately 12%. Therefore the use of fine bran in domestic poultry feed should not exceed 45%. When white rice is milled again, it will get the waste in the form of bran with 10.8% protein content, it can also be used as domestic poultry feedstuffs.
Corn as food for domestic poultry have long been used. Corn contains proteins rather low (about 9.4%), but the energy content of high metabolism. (3430 kcal / kg). Therefore, maize is a good source of energy. Crude fiber content is low (about 2%), allowing the corn to be used in a higher level. Yellow corn contains
carotene pigment called "xanthophyl". These pigments give yellow a good egg and meat are interesting, not pale.
Coconut cake
Coconut cake is the waste from the manufacture of coconut oil can be used as feed fat. Indonesia is rich in coconut trees and many established factory
cooking oil, coconut cake is widely available so that the protein content is high enough
approximately 21.6% and metabolizable energy of about 1540 to 1745 Kcal / Kg. But this coconut cake
poor will Cysine and histidine as well as high fat content of about 15%. By
therefore use in preparing the ration does not exceed 20%, moderate deficiency
Cysine and histidine can be met from the flour it or Cysine manufactured.
In general, brown coconut cake, there is a dark brown light brown (brown
light) should be selected coconut cake is light brown or light brown
this is what we choose. Coconut cake easily damaged by mold and rancid easily, so it must be
carefully in the store.
Cassava / Cassava Tree
Grated raw cassava can be used as feed material principal domestic poultry reared intensively. Cassava can be given in the form of raw (fresh) or after the processing of cassava or aci misalnya. The use of cassava flour in the ration no more than 40%. In raw form, cassava should be used within 24 hours after the harvest. More from the date that the nutritional value will decrease (broken). In addition to tubers, cassava leaves can also be used as free-range chicken feed ingredients, either in powder form or in fresh form (as forage). Cassava leaf flour can replace the green beans and soybeans until the amount of 8%.
Soybean meal.
Raw soy bean is not recommended for use as chicken feed because of raw soybeans contain several trypsin, which is not resistant to heat, because it should first be processed soybeans. Soybean meal is soybean oil production waste, have
± 42.7% protein content with metabolic energy content of about 2240 Kcal / kg, crude fiber content is low, around 6%. But low methionisne content. Use of soybean meal in poultry rations is recommended not exceeding 40%, moderate deficiency methionisme can be met by fish meal or methionisme manufactured.
Leaves lamtoro.
Giving lamtoro leaves should be careful because lamtoro leaves contain a poisonous alkoloid mimosin name. Giving lamtoro leaf powder in a large number will result in chickens stop laying eggs. Therefore, although the protein content of leaves lamtoro quite high (22.30%), in its use is recommended not to exceed 5% in chicken feed.
Daun turi.
Turi leaf powder is commonly used in chicken feed. Turi leaves a red flower containing the protein content of about 31.68%, while the white-flowering turi leaves contain 40.62% protein content.
Animal Feed Ingredients.
Feed materials of animal origin is generally an industrial waste, so that its use of waste. Materials commonly used in animal feed is fish meal, bone meal, wheat flour and clam shrimp. Several other animal feedstuffs are worms, insects, worms etc.. Feed ingredients were found intensively reared chickens, worms, insects and others are not given. But a lot of snails found in the rainy season, have started breeding, feed ingredient
alternatives that can be used to meet the needs of protein in chicken rations.
Fish Meal.
Fish meal is a feed ingredient which is renowned as a high protein source. But please note that the nutrient content of fish meal is different, according to the type of fish. Besides the species of fish, fish drying process also affects the quality of fish meal. There are several kinds of drying processes, namely solar drying, vacuum drying, drying with hot steam and drying with incandescent fire shortly. Sun drying is the cheapest and easiest process, but also low levels of the protein. Local fish meal derived from industrial waste or sewage canned fish catch of fishermen and only the hot sun had dried the crude protein content of only 51-55%. Aside from being a source of protein with good amino acid, fish meal is also a source of minerals and vitamins. With an excellent nutrient content this would not be surprised if the price is expensive. Therefore, to suppress the price of feed, fish meal users are limited under 8%. In Indonesia, there are several kinds of fish meal both local and imported products with varying quality. With this condition are advised farmers to buy fish meal from a trusted seller and has been used to sell a good fish meal.
Flour Shrimp
Flour comes from waste prawn shrimp industry, so the nutritional quality depends on the parts that come millstones. If the head and feet participate millstones of course the quality is better than just
shrimp skin only. Shrimp flour protein content ranged between 43-47%. Shrimp flour is an alternative feedstuffs as a protein source, because not all the flour shrimp can be obtained.
Bone Meal
Bone meal used as a source of minerals. Bone Meal Calcium generally contain between 24-25% and phosphorus between 12-15%. Because of its nature as a supplement, use only a little bone meal.
Flour Shells
Wheat shells is a source of calcium, because it contains almost 36% Calcium. With the development of minerals and vitamins manufactured, natural feed ingredients have a lot left. But if the price is cheap and willingness guaranteed, farmers can take advantage of these shells flour as a source of calcium for poultry rations burasnya.
Snails are very cheap feedstuffs because we can easily get around the environment and easy to membudidayakannya. Nearly 95% of the snail's body can be used as chicken feed, is wasted is just dirt and mucus. How to use it are as follows:
- 60 gr snails fasted for 2 days for feces discharged
- Soak in brine with a ratio of 1 liter of water with 50 grams of salt, then stirred for 15-20 minutes.
- Snail meat washed and then put in boiling water for 10 minutes
(Until cooked).
Snail meat can be given as chicken feed, either in the form of wet
(Fresh), dried or, in the form of flour, with protein content for
each is as follows:
a. In the form of wet (fresh) 54.29%
b. In the dry form 64.13%
c. In the form of flour 24.80%
Despite the high protein content flour snails, but their use should not exceed 10%. Snail shells can be used as a feed supplement to replace flour with lime and grit.
Supplementary Feed Materials / Supplements.
Complementary feeding stuff is a material manufactured and produced to supplement the nutrients that are usually more or less complete lack conceived by natural feedstuffs.
a. Vitamins, a nutritional substance that serves to bone formation, growth and to provide resistance to disease or infection.
b. Minerals, is a nutrient needed by the body in an amount not much but it is very important for the formation of organs, among others, to the formation of bone (Ca and P). blood (iron / Fe) and shell eggs (Ca and P).
c. Lysine and methionine
As is known in domestic poultry ration formulation, 90% composed of vegetable feed ingredients that generally do not contain amino acids that draw. Usually this poor vegetable feedstuffs will Lysine and methionine. Biasanva Amino Acid deficiency can be overcome by the use of fish meal in ration formula. But because they're expensive fish meal use is limited. so to
overcome the shortage of Amino Acids Lysine and methionine were used factory-made. Lysine and methionine are essential amino acids needed by livestock. Today these two amino acids are produced and packaged as a product ready for use by the factory.
d. Probiotics, is a small colony of microbial seed derived from cow's stomach, which is packaged in a mixture of soil, grass roots and leaves or twigs that canker. These microbes function as resident protein, crude fiber and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation. By adding probiotics in chicken rations, the rations that are used become more efficient and thus lower levels of ammonia odor that we smell usually around the cage to be reduced because of its nature as decomposers. The use of probiotics is also more widely, not only as a supplement to domestic poultry rations, but also used to tame a variety of waste (organic-shaped) like a specific smell of septitank, slaughterhouse waste and industrial waste. Along with technological development, this probiotic has been mass produced (factory) with a packed in a form ready for use so that it becomes easier to use. Rules of use usually comes with it in its packaging. This product has been traded and ranchers can get it at the Poultry Shop. Regarding the use of probiotics, the Agricultural Information Center (BIP) DKI Jakarta never implement adaptive test that is mixed use of probiotic supplements in free-range chicken layer ration (FY 1995/1996). By adding probiotics in the diet commonly used by breeders, but the result can:
- To increase egg production
- More efficient use of feed
- Water content of feces (droppings) is lower and the smell of feces in the cage environment is reduced.
The economical price of probiotics is relatively cheap, only Rp. 4,000 - Rp. 5,000 per kg. Moderate use is relatively small, only about 25 grams per 1 kg of ration.
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