Local chicken or free-range chicken (not race) is the commodity most widely maintained by the Indonesian people, especially in rural areas.
Besides maintained for the purpose of production of meat and eggs, local chickens are pets that used to decorate the pages, for the race, even for ritual purposes. Local Chickens also have the ability to survive and breed well, and resistant to disease.
Unfortunately, maintenance of local chicken is still traditional with improvised feeding and diumbar to feed themselves. Life of local chicken still largely classified as half-wild chicken (semi-domestication), because living and breeding still depends on the nature around.
To optimize the utilization of local chickens needed basic information that reveals the origins, performance, and productivity of local chickens Indonesia. That's what's pushing Research Center for Biology Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) to publish a book "Chicken Biological Diversity Resources Local Indonesia: Benefits and Potential."
Involving 15 researchers at the Research Center for Biology LIPI, the book is skinning the benefits and potential of local chickens Indonesia starting from Taxonomy and Origin of Domestication Chicken, Local Chicken Genetic Resources, Breeding and Genetic Improvement of Local Chickens, Implementation Maintenance Local Chicken, Biosecurity and Disease Management Treatment , to the Economic Analysis and It marketing. One description of the results of research of Competitive Research-LIPI about "molecular characteristics of local chicken, Indonesia" has opened new horizons, the archipelago is one of the center of domestication of chickens in the world.
These facts raise the spirit of LIPI to develop, utilize and conserve more concerted, well planned and comprehensive local chicken for Indonesia as a biological resource to be utilized on an ongoing basis.
Through some research, some local Indonesian chicken (some not native to Indonesia) are selected based on the distinctive character and become pre-eminent place of origin, skinned. The study also dig up information about potential and benefits. Local chicken, among other Cemani Chicken, Chicken Silver Arabic, Arabic Aya Golden, Merawang Chicken, Chicken Kate, crow Chicken, Chicken Sentul, Wareng Chicken, Chicken Nunukan, Kalosi Chicken, Chicken Tolaki, magic Chicken, Chicken Tukong, and Ayam Ayunai.
The uniqueness that exist in the local chicken population of Indonesia's need to dig further.
If during this utilization is still in early stages of cultivation only, serious and sustained efforts are needed to take advantage of local chickens as the genetic material (genetic resources) in chicken breeding program to establish "industry". Moreover, genetic studies indicate that the resilience of local Indonesian chickens against avian influenza virus is very high.
As a first step of documenting the various studies, this book is worthy of scrutiny by various parties in an attempt to develop, utilize, and conserve the biological resources of local chicken, Indonesia.
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